Finally live and in colour again: After two digital formats, the 8th Fondsfrauen Gipfel took place again as usual at the Leonardo Hotel in Mannheim. And it was a really full house: we received over 300 registrations in the run-up to the event. The participants were treated to a fireworks display of keynotes, discussion rounds and lots of networking.
Ein großes Dankeschön an dieser Stelle auch an die Sponsoren des Events, die diesen tollen Tag ermöglicht haben: ING, Amundi, Deka, Fidelity International, Golding Capital Partners, KPMG, Vanguard, BlackRock, Columbia Threadneedle Investments und Legal & General Investment Management! Außerdem bedanken wir uns herzlich bei unserem langjährigen Medienpartner FONDS professionell.
Coaching or financial advice: contradiction or future?
In the financial advisors' workshop, the panellists and participants discussed the financial advice of the future: How do you reconcile changing customer demands with the business model that has dominated to date? How do you recruit suitable young talent? Lisa Hassenzahl, founder of Her Family Office, moderated the panel with the following panellists:
- Petra Ahrens, CAPA AG FinanzWeitBlick, Vorständin, MAIESTAS Vermögensmanagement AG
- Monika Müller, Unternehmerin, Finanzpsychologin, FCM Finanz Coach®
- Adriana Richter, Storycoach, Autorin, Finanzcoach
Einig waren sich die Speakerinnen darüber, dass beides seinen Platz hat: Das Finanzcoaching und die Finanzberatung. Wobei das Coaching eher als Vorstufe zur Finanzplanung verstanden wird: Es verhilft Menschen dazu, sich als Finanzentscheider besser zu verstehen und im eigenen Interesse handeln zu können.
Young professionals: Insights into careers in our industry
At the workshop for young professionals, interested female students were able to learn more about various professions in the fund industry. The round was moderated by Julia V. Bewerunge, ESG expert and journalist. In conversation were:
- Eva Stoller, Quantitative Analyst, Vice President Structuring bei Golding Capital Partners
- Lisa Bongartz, ESG Specialist bei der MEAG Munich Ergo AssetManagement GmbH
- Sarah de Blasi, Leiterin des Aufsichtsrechts der DekaBank
- Andrea van Almsick, Head of Legal bei Fidelity International
What all the participants had in common was that they all got into the industry more or less by chance. There were different tips on networking: Eva called for finding peers, for example in joint trainings. Sarah advised to just go for it and write to others via social media. Lisa relies on coffee in between and Andrea suggested looking for contact persons and mentors. After the panelists' learnings and tips, the female students had the opportunity to ask their questions. At the subsequent speed dating, they were able to meet renowned employers in person.
New World: The Future of Asset Management
After the workshops and a meeting of senior professionals in the networking lounge, a varied buffet was served at the lunch reception. After a short welcome by Anne Connelly, the presentations started:
Maike Madagua and Lisa Hofmann from KPMG spoke about the future of asset management. Centrally available customer data, new digital products and the tokenisation of the product range by means of blockchain - for the two it is clear: in the future there will be more interfaces between man and machine.
Asset Management 2.0: How sustainability, passive investments and the new approach to clients are shaping the industry - moderator Anja Hochberg discussed this with
- Kaja Lammert, Geschäftsführerin der MEAG Munich Ergo Asset Management GmbH
- Roxane Spitznagel, Ökonomin bei Vanguard Asset Management
- Ulrich Kaffarnik, Kapitalmarktexperte bei der DJE Kapital AG
Parents on the job: Experiences and practical examples for good success
Child and career - still a challenge in Germany. But how can it work out? Anne Connelly moderated a discussion with the following participants:
- Sandra Runge, Fachanwältin für Arbeitsrecht, Bloggerin und Buchautorin
- Ilse Munnikhof, Head of Investment Advice bei der ING Deutschland
- Kerstin Gräfe, COO bei Amundi Deutschland
Of course, networking was not neglected either: The participants were able to exchange ideas over coffee and cake. New acquaintances were made and existing ones cultivated.
We are still totally enthusiastic about the cheerful and relaxed atmosphere that prevailed throughout the entire event. In this atmosphere, the participants easily got into conversation and exchanged ideas! That's networking, ladies!
Courage is good, ladies!
The shark tank greets us daily: How do we solve the balancing act between fear and courage? In a keynote speech, funder Anne Connelly spoke about challenges during one's career and mental blocks. There was also input on the topic from the audience. Corinna Valentine, COO and Head of Finance at Fidelity International, shared a personal experience about a five-year stay in Bermuda. She advised the other participants: If your company offers you a stay abroad, say yes! The conclusion of this round: Courage is good! So get out of your comfort zone ladies and dare!
The new world of investing
What influence do fintechs have on our investments? What about new asset classes and investment instruments such as crypto and NFTs? And what is the metaverse all about? Another English-language panel got to the bottom of these questions. Moderated by Fondsfrau Anke Dembowski, the following participants took part:
- Annika Kessel, Cosmiq Universe AG
- Stephan Edelmann, Geschäftsführer Hauck & Aufhäuser Innovative Capital
- Molly Petken, Director Innovation & Digital Business bei Fidelity International
- Sarah de Blasi, Leiterin des Aufsichtsrechts der DekaBank
From banker to successful sustainability entrepreneur
Edda Schröder founded Invest in Visions 17 years ago with the aim of providing institutional and private investors with access to impact investments. As a microfinance investor from the very beginning, Edda has made a name for herself in the field. She and her team now manage more than one billion euros. In an interview with funder Manuela Fröhlich, the entrepreneur talked about how she supports women in developing countries with microloans and shared her own experiences from her long and successful career.
Hier findet Ihr auch noch den Beitrag unseres Medienpartners FONDS professionell: Fondsfrauen-Gipfel 2023: Mut tut einfach gut | Vertrieb | 29.03.2023 | FONDS professionell
See you next year!
It was a great pleasure for us to welcome you again in Mannheim. Thank you very much for coming and for your great feedback. We will see you again next year!
Photo credit: Toni Hofmann