Jobs in Asset Management offer more than you think

Having a job in the financial industry feels like working in a “Wolf of Wall Street” atmosphere? You may find some tough investment bankers, agreed. However, in asset management, we put the investor first and sustainability is an integral part of our work.

It is true that you will still find more men than women working here. We want to change that and want to introduce you to different jobs within the asset management industry. There are many interesting roles, opportunities for sustainable change and what matters most when choosing your profession, having fun and being passionate about what you do. Get to know the asset management industry with its exciting job opportunities for women!

Are you interested in:

Helping investors achieve their financial goals?
Starting with € 25 private investors can invest in mutual funds and have access to returns that are far above interest rates of a traditional savings account.
Balancing your life and work goals?
Flexible Arbeitszeiten oder Karriere in Teilzeit sind nicht unüblich.
Well-paid, interesting job opportunities in an international environment, providing various career paths?
Asset managers operate globally, often with offices in major international cities with excellent starting salaries.
Direct and measurable results of your work that prove your worth and are clearly verifiable with numbers?
Portfolio managers demonstrate their know how on a daily basis, having clear benchmarks to show their results.
Having a positive impact on society with your job?
Living sustainably and being environmentally conscious is important to you. Investments are sustainable too and are becoming increasingly popular in asset management.

A career in asset management may be the perfect choice for you!

Ist das Asset-Management für Dich geeignet?

"Asset-Management" - Was ist das genau?

Fund companies or asset managers invest money on behalf of investors in well-regulated pools of money called mutual funds, investment funds or Unit Trusts. Thousands of funds exist that have different return and risk characteristics. The goal of most funds is to have a high return while keeping investment risk at a minimum.

Funds may invest in stocks, bonds, money markets, or real estate for example. Traditional investment funds and ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) are strongly regulated products that are available to private and institutional investors (i.e. insurance firms, pension plans). You may have heard of hedge funds or private equity funds too. These are primarily marketed to institutional investors.

Funds and ETFs are ideal to help investors reach their financial goals. Goals may be to complement your retirement income, build your own home or to finance your children’s education.

There is a fund for every need! Funds are sold at banks, direct banks or via financial advisors. They may also be part of life insurance products or a digital offerings like a robo-advisor.

Meet the Women in Asset Management

Are you curious to see what a job in asset management is like on a daily basis? We regularly speak with women in our industry. Read more what these women have to say about their roles, careers and how they balance family and job demands.

Ilse Munnikhof

"«Frauen sind halt nicht so wertpapier-affin.» Dem wollte ich nachgehen"

Ilse Munnikhof
ING Deutschland

Isabella Seidl

"Ich halte es für wichtig, auch als Mama den Kontakt in die Branche aufrecht zu halten"

Isabella Seidl

Daria Lebert

"Zurückhaltende Frauen haben es in der Finanzbranche immer noch schwer"

Daria Lebert
Flossbach von Storch

Julia Pomer

"Ein starkes Netzwerk unter­stützt das Selbst­vertrauen und die eigene Sichtbarkeit"

Julia Pomer
ThomasLloyd Group

Steering Committee Young Professionals

We want to ensure that female career starters and students also get a good foothold in the financial sector and find their place. That is why we have set up the Young Professionals Steering Committee.

Members of this committee are:

Judith Galter
Business Development & Digital Strategy bei Raiffeisen Zertifikate, Wien

Kristina Bambach
Portfolio Managerin bei Eyb & Wallwitz, München

Simin Heuser
Financial journalist and social media manager at Fondsfrauen, Cologne

Julia Pomer
Director, Wholesale Clients Germany & Austria at ThomasLloyd Group, Zürich

Daria Lebert
Manager Fund Sales bei Flossbach von Storch, Köln

Julia Bewerunge
Cluster Lead ESG Transformation and Steering bei HypoVereinsbank – UniCredit, München

Teresa Schulden
Business Manager Germany, Austria and Eastern Europe bei BlackRock, Frankfurt

Therese Schwerzmann
Director Active Advisory, Head of Fund Selection bei Bergos AG, Zürich

Apply for an internship to get to know us!

Job Board

Interesting Jobs in Asset Management

The range of jobs is as diverse as the funds. Here is an overview:

Portfolio Management

  • Portfolio Manager
  • Analyst
  • Securities Trader

Product Development

  • Research
  • Product Management
  • Product Marketing


  • Sales for an asset manager or bank
  • Client relationship management
  • Financial Advisor

What can you expect to earn?

Die Einstiegsgehälter liegen zwischen 40.000 und 60.000 Euro pro Jahr. Die Höhe ist abhängig von deinem Abschluss (Bachelor oder Master), deiner Praxiserfahrung zum Beispiel als Praktikant oder Werksstudent und natürlich von den Vergütungsstrukturen des Arbeitgebers. Mit 3 Jahren Berufserfahrung bewegt sich die Vergütung in Deutschland bei rund 70.000-80.000 Euro pro Jahr.

zwischen 40.000 und 60.000 Euro pro Jahr*

*Entry salary Germany

What Qualifications are required for a Career in Asset Management?

Welche Qualifikationen benötige ich für eine Karriere im Asset-Management?

A number of university studies are relevant. Master or Bachelor students focused on traditional finance-oriented studies such as business, economics or math are no surprise. If you are studying medicine or history, you may want to take a closer look too.

Our industry needs diverse views when analyzing a pharmaceutical company for example or in assessing how societal changes affect a corporation.

Are you interested?
We want to meet you!

Our events

We host regular events in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg. Here out our upcoming events.

Praktika & Studentenjobs

Our corporate partners offer a number of internships, working student jobs or trainee programs. Apply here for a job that interests you.

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Buddy Program

Für Berufseinsteigerinnen gibt es ein Buddy Program. Versierte Frauen begleiten dich und ermöglichen dir einen reibungslosen Berufsstart.


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