Aktivitäten and Termine – Fondsfrauen


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After-Work Frankfurt : “Working Parents in Practice”

Event Details

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Balancing work and career is a matter for both women and men. What programs do companies offer to manage this balancing act? What are the legal foundations in Germany? What practical experiences have fathers and mothers had? What is the situation for single parents?

Diesen Fragen gehen wir nach in unserem After-Work auf Einladung unseres Förderers Invesco. Ein Unternehmen, dass schon länger familienfreundliche Initiativen anbietet und aus seinen Erfahrungen berichten kann.

Look forward to an interactive evening 😊.


18.00 Uhr          Einlass

18:15 Welcome by Invesco and Fondsfrauen

18:30 Discussion round & your questions


Anna Baum, Labor Lawyer, Avocado Lawyers

Stefanie Colin, Gruppenleiterin Fund Accounting Mandate, Union Investment

Ulrich Cord, Head of Wholesale & ETF Distribution, Invesco

Sandra Freimuth, Head of HR, Corp. Communications, Marketing, Talent Management, Organisationsentwicklung, HAUCK AUFHÄUSER LAMPE

Giannula Goumenidis, Outsourcing Oversight Analyst, Invesco

Moderation: Anne Connelly, Fondsfrauen


19:30 Drinks, snacks, & networking

21:00 End

Members of Fondsfrauen receive preferred access. Non-members access subject to availability.

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