In which jobs can women earn really good money? We tell you about well-paid jobs for women!

Are you looking for a job that you not only enjoy, but that also pays well? Where do you earn good money as a woman? In this article we present 25 professions in which women are particularly well paid.

This list of women's jobs is designed to introduce you to different jobs with good salary prospects. Please note: Actual salaries may vary depending on location, industry and experience.

The 10 best paid jobs for women

Rank 10: Market researcher

Salary: 50.000 – 70.000 Euro
Education: Studies in the fields of business administration, (economic) psychology, mathematics, economics, marketing as well as many other courses of study.
Duration of training: 3 - 6 years (Bachelor's degree with a standard period of study of 6 - 8 semesters, optional: Master's degree with a duration of 2 - 4 semesters)

In 10th place among the well-paid jobs for women is the profession of market researcher. The main task of a market researcher is to conduct market, consumer and competition analyses. In other words, she deals with people's opinions, needs and behaviour in order to identify trends. This is usually done on behalf of a company or politics.

There is not only one course of study for becoming a market researcher. Many market researchers are career changers. However, with a gross annual salary of up to 70,000 euros, this is a very well-paid job for career changers.

Rank 9: PR consultant

Salary: 60,000 - 80,000 euros, with personnel responsibility even up to 100,000 euros per year
Education: Studies in marketing, communication sciences, media management, social sciences or training as a PR manager.
Duration of training: 3 - 6 years

As a public relations consultant, you work out communication strategies and develop concepts for the positive image of a company. The tasks of a PR consultant include classic media and press work, developing text and graphic concepts, organising events for the press and much more. With up to 80,000 euros gross per year, the job description of a PR consultant is a well-paid and exciting profession for women. With personnel responsibility, an annual salary of up to 100,000 euros can even be possible. And not only that: the shortage of skilled workers makes this job a real future profession for women.

Rank 8: Buyer

Salary: 50,000 - 90,000 euros, senior buyers get up to 120,000 euros
Education: Commercial training in wholesale and foreign trade or studies in economics or industrial engineering
Duration of training: 3 - 6 years

Another well-paid job for women is that of a buyer. In this job you are responsible for the procurement of goods in a company. Your tasks include, for example, determining requirements, comparing offers, negotiating with suppliers and concluding contracts.

To work as a buyer, you need either a commercial apprenticeship in wholesale and foreign trade or a degree in economics. The great thing about this profession is that buyers are wanted in almost every industry. So you can choose the sector in which you want to work.

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Rank 7: Real estate agent

Salary: 50.000 – 100.000 Euro
Training: career changer and further training, training as a real estate agent or studies in the real estate industry
Duration of training: a few weeks (advanced training) to 6 years (bachelor & master studies)

You also have good earning opportunities as an estate agent. As a real estate agent, you mediate between the sellers of real estate and the respective prospective buyers. You can either work independently or apply for a job in an estate agency.

You do not need a specific professional qualification. Real estate agent is therefore a profession for women that you can pursue even without special training. If you want to work as a real estate agent, you only need a real estate agent's permit or a real estate agent's licence. However, training as a real estate agent or a degree in real estate management is recommended.

Rank 6: Pharmaceutical sales representative

Salary: 65.000 – 100.000 Euro
Education: Natural science studies and further training as a certified pharmaceutical sales representative
Duration of training: 3 - 6 years of study and 3 - 18 months of further training

A gross annual salary of around 65,000 to 100,000 euros is possible in this profession. As a pharmaceutical sales representative you are on the road a lot and inform doctors and pharmacies about new pharmaceutical and health products. You distribute samples, explain the applications, risks and composition of the medicines and document side effects.

To work as a pharmaceutical sales representative, it is recommended to have a degree in the natural sciences in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, biology or biochemistry. You must then complete further training to become a state-recognised pharmaceutical sales representative.

Rank 5: Headhunter

Salary: 80.000 – 110.000 Euro
Education: n. A.
Duration of training: n. A.

An extremely well-paid job is the profession of headhunter. Up to 110,000 euros gross annual salary is possible here. In this profession, you look for suitable candidates for certain positions, e.g. management positions, on behalf of a company.

This profession for women is therefore a well-paid job without special training. You don't have to complete any training or studies to get started as a headhunter. However, you should be well versed in the respective industry and have a certain amount of experience in human resources.

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Rank 4: Investment adviser

Salary: 80.000 – 125.000 Euro
Education: Training in a bank or insurance company, studies with a focus on financial services
Duration of training: 3 - 6 years

The fourth best-paid job for women is in the financial sector. As an investment advisor, you can earn up to 125,000 euros a year. You advise private individuals, organisations or companies on financial investments and investment opportunities. Mostly, investment advisors work for banks, insurance companies, investment companies or even fund companies. Self-employment is also possible in this profession. On our focus page you can find out more about the profession and the qualifications.

3rd place: Human Resources Manager

Salary: 90.000 – 140.000 Euro
Education: Training as a human resources services clerk or studies with a focus on human resources management
Duration of training: 3 - 6 years

You can look forward to an annual salary of up to 140,000 euros gross as a personnel manager or HR manager. These tasks await you:
- Search, selection and recruitment of new employees
- Supervision of staff already employed incl. keeping personnel files
- Determination of salaries and personnel requirement planning
- Control of staff development and organisation of further training

Analogous to purchasers, personnel managers are sought in almost all sectors. Take a look at our job portal, for example.

2nd place: Management consultant

Salary: 80.000 – 150.000 Euro
Education: Studies in business administration, economics, international management, business informatics or similar.
Duration of training: 3 - 6 years

Management consultants observe and analyse the structures and processes of a company. They advise companies on personnel matters, structural and technical innovations and develop individual business strategies together with the client. The goal is to continue to secure or even expand the company's economic success in the future.

A prerequisite for a career as a management consultant is a successfully completed degree in economics. Management consultancy is therefore a well-paid job with a degree.

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Rank 1: Fund manager

Salary: 110.000 – 400.000 Euro
Education: Business studies
Duration of training: 3 - 6 years

The highest paid profession for women: Fund manager. An incredible 400,000 euros a year are possible here. As a fund manager, you are an expert in financial investments. Your job is to invest investors' money as profitably as possible. You observe current market developments, social and political events and select securities. To become a fund manager, you need to have a degree in economics, ideally with a specialisation in economics. Schwerpunkt Finanzen.

Note: This article is based on a survey conducted by Salary Reporters in cooperation with TalentFrogs. The original data is from 2011 and can be found on the statistics portal Statista. More recent studies that specifically refer to the salary of the best-paid female professions are difficult to find. Therefore, the salaries given have been updated with gender-unspecific figures and earnings from kununu, Stepstone as well as GehaltsReportern. With a certain amount of negotiation skills, it is quite possible for women to earn just as much as men when doing the same job.

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Well-paid professions for women: Many paths lead to the goal

As you can see, many professions do not necessarily require a degree or training. In many cases, women can get a job in different ways. In the following list you will find an overview by degree. Among them are not only well-paid jobs with a degree, but also jobs for women with a secondary school diploma and well-paid apprenticeships. Because even without a degree, a woman can get a well-paid job.

5 well-paid jobs for women that require a degree

5th place : Sales Manager (70,000 - 115,000 euros)
4th place: Air traffic controller (75,000 - 135,000 euros)
3rd place: Pilot (80,000 - 180,000 euros)
2nd place: Senior doctor (95,000 - 180,000 euros)
1st place: Chief doctor (180,000 - 350,000 euros)

5 well-paid professions for women with a secondary school diploma

5th place: Educator (30,000 - 45,000 euros)
4th place: IT specialist for system integration (30,000 - 52,000 euros)
3rd place: Industrial mechanic (35,000 - 55,000 euros)
2nd place: Insurance saleswoman (40,000 - 65,000 euros)
1st place: Bank clerk (40,000 - 75,000 euros)

5 well-paid professions for women with lower secondary school leaving certificate

Place 5: Chef (28,000 - 40,000 euros)
4th place: Warehouse specialist (34,000 - 41,000 euros)
3rd place: Nurse (32,000 - 45,000 euros)
2nd place: Bricklayer (28,000 - 50,000 euros)
1st place: Aircraft mechanic / engine technician (35,000 - 60,000 euros)

Comparison: What do you earn in typical women's jobs?

The list shows that in order to earn well, you should not always choose typical professions for women or professions for girls. In the banking and finance sector, for example, salaries are very good. According to a recent survey by the job portal Stepstone, the banking sector is the first best-paid sector in Germany. The average gross annual salary here is around 57,631 euros.

Let's take a look at typical female professions for comparison: As a nurse or educator, women earn significantly less. Trained nurses receive an average of around 45,060 euros per year. Educators, on the other hand, earn around 40,284 euros gross per year.

No matter what profession you choose: Make sure you choose a job that not only pays well, but that you also enjoy!

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Simin Heuser

Simin Heuser is a freelancer and works for various investment fund companies and financial firms. She also writes as a freelance author on financial and insurance topics.

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