Dear Katja,

so many mornings you were in the living room of each of us to inform us about the latest stock market news on the news channel n-tv. First as a correspondent from the floor in New York (together with Markus Koch), and since April 2000 from the n-tv stock exchange studio in Frankfurt.

Always in a good mood, always well informed, and often a little unconventional. As a graduate in political science and economics (Munich and Edinburgh), you not only conveyed the news with cool expertise, but your passion for the stock market and finance also ensured that it always felt "personal". For those who didn't know it yet, you made it clear: Of course women can do stock market and finance!

As a freelancer, you have also worked as a trainer, moderator and speaker. In September 2017, you accepted a teaching position at the Nürtingen University of Applied Sciences to teach business students about equity management and equity analysis.

On 1 April of this year, you changed careers and joined Flossbach von Storch to support strategic communications in investment management around Dr. Bert Flossbach.

How you, as a professional whirlwind, could still muster energy for your husband and your two children is your secret, and we admire you for it.

Now you have passed away at the age of only 52 - we will miss you and remember you fondly. Our sympathy goes out to your family and all who knew you.

Foto: Katja Dofels LinkedIn-Profil

Profilbild von Anke Dembowski

Anke Dembowski

Anke Dembowski is a financial journalist and author of various investment fund-related and other financial books. She is also a co-founder of the "Fondsfrauen" network.

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