On July 27, our 40-minute digital lunchtalk took place again over the lunch hour, this time on the topic of "Continuing Education Opportunities for People in the Finance Industry."
Moderated by Fondsfrau Anke Dembowski, the following three panelists participated:
- Veronika Lammer, Financial Experts Analyse and Training OG
- Klaus Beinke, Managing Director DVFA GmbH Deutsche Vereinigung für Finanzanalyse und Asset Management GmbH
- Annika Peters, Financial Planner (CFP), Consultant & Managing Director at FrauenFinanzBeratung Barbara Rojahn & Kolleginnen
Apparently, the topic of continuing education and training is very popular, because with 81 registrations, the interest in this lunchtalk was very high.
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The following results can be noted from the discussion:
- For consultants, the knowledge gained from the expert examination alone is not enough; they should undergo ongoing training.
- Many other skills that counselors need (listening, explaining well, time management, etc.) are learned by doing and by being taken along by experienced counselors.
- For a good job at a fund company, a university degree is an advantage. This can be supplemented with additional qualifications.
- A CFA degree is expected in fund management, although this can also be obtained on a part-time basis.
- Employees at a fund management company can definitely score points with additional training, for which a certificate of completion is then also issued. In particular, high-quality additional qualifications such as the CFP can be put to the test at the next salary or job interview.
- A job in the financial industry means lifelong learning because there are always new developments, products and technologies.
- An important side effect of continuing education is also the expansion of the network, e.g. through alumni events. For this reason, presence or partial presence events are preferable to purely digital formats.
- The employer often contributes to the costs of further training. As a rule, the employee must spend the time.
We sincerely thank our panelists and our audience!
And always keep in mind: Life is a lifelong learning process - especially in the financial industry!