The Digital Lunch Talk on the topic of "Arbeiten statt Rente – Tipps und Herausforderungen für das Arbeiten über das Rentenalter hinaus("Working Instead of Retiring – Tips and Challenges for Working Beyond Retirement Age" ) took place on Tuesday, September 24.
Along with moderator Anke Dembowski four panelists discussed the topic from different perspectives:
- Katja Braubach, with 30 years of experience at Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund, including in the information and advisory department.
- Michaela Krahwinkel, Fondsfrau and active in the Senior Professionals working group.
- Juliana Rolfes and Silke Völkel, Strategic HR Management at DEKA Bank. They are responsible for the conception and implementation of new HR projects.
Especially in the financial sector, older individuals can continue to work very well.
In the media, the focus is often on how to retire early and what reductions one has to accept. However, more and more older people enjoy their work. They may not want to be involved 24/7 anymore, but they still want to stay in the industry and contribute. Particularly in the financial sector, there is generally no heavy physical labor, making the work feasible even at an older age.
Added to this is the widely lamented skilled labor shortage, which makes it an economic necessity to continue employing anyone who is capable and willing to work.
Potential of older employees: 1.36 million
Recently, the Bertelsmann Stiftung published its study, Studie „Wie Ältere länger erwerbstätig bleiben“ and concluded: "The workforce of 1.36 million full-time employees: That's the potential that can be activated from the 55 to 70 age group by 2035." What an enormous figure, especially in times of a skilled labor shortage!
And yet there are still companies today that offer their older employees generous early retirement packages. Some even insensitively announce that they urgently need to rejuvenate their workforce. It’s easy to imagine how this affects older skilled workers.
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Legal framework allows for much flexibility
In an elevator pitch, Katja Braubach stated: "You can work as long as you want - even if you are already receiving a pension." Social security contributions are still required for health and long-term care insurance, but contributions to pension and unemployment insurance no longer need to be paid after reaching the regular retirement age. However, the employee can choose to continue paying pension contributions, which would then increase their pension.
Appropriate jobs and fair pay
Michaela Krahwinkel merkt an, dass jeder Mensch andere Bedürfnisse hat, dass es aber viele ältere Mitarbeiterinnen gebe, die gern arbeiten, und denen der geistige Austausch und die Beschäftigung durchaus guttäten. Sie fordert, dass die Unternehmen sich Gedanken darüber machen, wie man die Jobs entsprechend anpassen kann. „Vielleicht müssen auch passende Jobs kreiert werden, und diese sind dann nach den entsprechenden Anforderungen und Leistungen zu bezahlen“, meint Michaela Krahwinkel.
"Due to communication within companies, older employees often no longer feel valued and therefore withdraw from working life," says Krahwinkel. Often, these are unintentional communication weaknesses that companies may not always be aware of.
Early on, say where the career journey should go!
Juliana Rolfes and Silke Völkel erklären, dass man sich bei der DekaBank seit einiger Zeit Gedanken gerade auch um die älteren Mitarbeitenden macht. „Uns ist wichtig zu schauen, wo unsere Mitarbeitenden in ihrem Arbeitszyklus stehen und was die Bedürfnisse und Motivatoren in der letzten Arbeitsphase sind“, sagt Silke Völkel. So ist es angedacht, dass die Führungskräfte der Deka Bank sich perspektivisch schon sehr frühzeitig (ab 55 Jahren) mit ihren Mitarbeitenden darüber abstimmen, wie die weiteren Lebens- und Berufspläne sind. Die eine möchte vielleicht noch eine Führungsposition, die andere möchte lieber weniger Verantwortung und mehr Freizeit. „Wir können auf die jeweiligen Wünsche reagieren und wollen dann entsprechend auch unsere erfahrenen Mitarbeiter entwickeln und halten“, sagt Silke Völkel.
It's encouraging to see that some companies are starting to address the issue of an aging population and workforce. This may slow down the youth culture that has long been promoted in society, and we may indeed see more diverse teams: diverse in terms of gender, age, background, etc.